what's simple is true
[ chapter 19 ]

several roller coasters and minor rides later, sutton collapsed onto a park bench and sighed. “i think its time we took a break, tay.”

“i agree,” he said as he wiped sweat off of his forehead with the cuff of his shirt and leaned back; stretched out his legs. “thanks for riding the roller coasters with me,” he said and looked over to her.

“you’re welcome, i aim to keep you happy.”

“i am to keep you happy, too. want me to get us something to drink?” he asked as he looked behind his shoulder to try to find a beverages vendor.

“yeah, lets go.” sutton said as they wandered around for a few minutes before they found a drinks stand. “geez,” she said. “i forgot how overpriced things were at amusement parks.”

“its no problem,” taylor said as he fished two bottled waters out of a barrel of ice water. he handed the vendor a $5 bill and sutton a bottle. she stood in front of him and quickly opened it and took a large gulp. taylor looked back into the tub of ice water and quickly dipped his hand in and pressed it against sutton’s neck as they began walking again.

“taylor!” she cried, and brought her hand to her neck and looked over at him. “oh my gosh, that is COLD!” she cried, and playfully hit him several times in the arm.

taylor laughed. “i’m just trying to keep you cool.”

“trying to make me go into shock,” she rolled her eyes as she wiped off the back of her neck.

“i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” taylor said in between laughs. “it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.”

“sure, whatever,” sutton couldn’t help but giggle as she took another sip from her water bottle, and stopped at one of the side booth vendors. she pulled out a couple bills from her wallet and grabbed a disposable camera from a stand and paid for it.

“what are you doing?” taylor asked as she walked back towards him, unwrapping the camera.

“buying a camera,” she said and threw the box and wrappers in a garbage can as they continued walking, to no ride in particular.

“what for?” taylor asked as he poured some of the water over his head.

“to use, geek. here, smile,” she said and backed up a couple feet away from him. taylor stuck out his tongue and sutton quickly clicked the camera, laughing. “nice taylor, real nice,” she said.

“ah yes, you’re welcome. where are we going, anyway?”

“lets go on the white water rapids thing,” sutton said and stuck the camera in her back pocket.

“in hopes that i get wet and you get me back?”

“you know me too well,” sutton grinned as she led them down to the ride.

chapter twenty