what's simple is true
[ chapter 20 ]

“it was such a good choice to come to this ride in the middle of the day; in the heat of the day,” taylor moaned as they stood in the middle of a very long line. he sluggishly hopped atop the railing on either side of them, dividing off the long rows of people. sutton stood close in front of him and sighed.

“i didn’t think it would be this busy. it’d be stupid to get out of line now anyway,” she said as she walked a couple feet forward and taylor slid along the railing. she pushed her sun glasses up on her nose and wiped sweat beads from her forehead. “you’ll be glad to get wet when its finally our turn.”

“by the time we get through this line, the park will be closing. its already 3pm,” taylor said as he looked at his watch. “and what if i had something else planned for us to do today, dear sutt?”

sutton crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at him. “like what?”

“hey,” he said. “you underestimate me.”

sutton nodded, and pulled his half full water bottle out of his pocket and took a large gulp before he pulled it out of her hands. “don’t drink it all,” he warned and handed it back to her. “We’re going to have to ration it out or we’ll die with parched throats in this mile long line.”

Sutton laughed and handed the bottle back to him as he took a sip. she hopped atop the railing across from Taylor as they slid a couple feet closer to the start of the line. she pulled the camera she had bought out of her back pockets and raised her eyebrows towards taylor. he held out his hand towards her and she gave it to him.

“don’t take a picture of something stupid and waste all the film,” she said.

“i guess i can’t take a picture of you then,” taylor said and laughed at his own joke. “ooh, that was a good one.” a couple younger kids of about twelve or thirteen behind sutton and taylor laughed as they watched sutton and taylor’s antics. “here,” taylor said and thrusted the camera towards one of the girls. “would you take a picture of my friend and i?”

“i thought you just said you --” the young girl was cut off by sutton as she accepted the camera.

“don’t listen to him, the heat is getting to him,” sutton smirked as she leaned towards taylor.

“no, it doesn’t matter cos i will be in the picture, and i am cool. therefore its allowed.” taylor leaned towards sutton, holding onto the railing he was still sitting on and genuinely smiled for the girl that was taking their picture.

“there you go,” she said and handed the camera back to taylor.

“thanks,” he said as he and sutton jumped down from the railings and moved up in the line.

twenty minutes later, sutton and taylor reached the beginning of the line. a new boat sat in front of them and they quickly jumped into it, and sat across from each other. the three girls that were behind them in line joined them in the boat, and an employee pushed them on their way down the faux river.

a couple minutes into the ride, the small dips and the current of the little river increased as the five members in the boat routinely got splashed and wet.

“are you ready for the waterfall?” sutton called to taylor as she held her camera in her hands. “its coming up.”

taylor looked behind him and saw the big waterfall that was bound to land on top of him. as their boat floated towards it, it indeed did and soaked taylor as sutton snapped a few pictures, remaining relatively dry. they all laughed and sutton quickly stuck her camera in her pocket so it wouldn’t get any wetter than it already had.

taylor peeled his wet shirt off of his skin and shook his head. “oh that was refreshing,” he laughed and wrung out his shirt as the boat made its way up a short, steep incline. “whoa, watch out!” he called as their boat fell down the dip and crashed into the water, soaking everyone once more.

“ugh!” the three girls screamed and they all shared in laughter. once the ride was finally through everyone crawled out of the boat, soaked with water but cooled off and happy.

sutton and taylor once again stepped off to the side near a bench and wrung out their wet clothes. “look at us,” sutton laughed as she pulled her camera out of her pocket, which had remained pretty dry. “i need to get a picture of us.”

“yes, please do.” taylor said sarcastically as sutton stood next to him and held the camera out in front of their faces. she quickly took a picture and patted her wet pants that stuck to her legs.

“can you believe those girls didn’t say anything to you at all?” she asked, suddenly becoming worried about what could happen if someone noticed taylor. “aren’t you worried about getting noticed here? i hadn’t even thought about it.”

taylor simply shrugged. “it doesn’t matter. we pretty much know how to escape girls by now, how to go unnoticed. you just have to kind of act nonchalantly about everything. no one is going to notice me if i’m not with my brothers,” taylor assured her.

“i wouldn’t be so sure about that,” sutton said. “maybe we should get moving again, go on some more rides in case someone walks by and does notice you.”

“don’t worry about it, sutt,” taylor said. “i think we need to just sit here for awhile so we can dry off.”

“or we can ride the swinging trees again,” sutton grinned, as she stood in front of him. “i’ll race you there!!” she cried and began running through the crowds of people before taylor had a chance to object. he hastily rose to his feet and began running in the direction she had sprinted, calling out her name.

twenty one