what's simple is true
[ chapter 18 ]

they quickly walked along as they ate their lunch, and finished their drinks. around a half an hour later, they neared the amusement park, and quickly got in a short line that was already forming. taylor inspected the can and read the rules and expiration date as sutton craned her neck to look at all of the tall rides that hovered above and around them.

“are you going to ride all of the roller coasters?” she asked as she put on her sun glasses.

“of course,” he laughed and shielded his eyes with his hand as he looked into the park. “it doesn’t look like we’ll have to wait that long. there aren’t that many people here yet, for some reason.”

“good for us,” sutton commented as they neared the beginning of the line, and taylor gave the employee his dr pepper can and extra money so they could enter the park. the employee gave taylor two neon green wrist bands and park maps, and he and sutton quickly entered and moved to the side.

“here, give me your hand,” taylor said as he held the maps in his mouth and attached the band to her wrist, and handed her his so she could put it on him. she snatched the maps out of his mouth and laughed.

“thanks taylor, for slobbering all over my park map.”

“you don’t need it, you’ve been here enough times to know where the rides are,” taylor shook his head at sutton and put on his sun glasses. “c’mon,” he said and led her towards a roller coaster.

“ah, i should have borrowed some of zac’s dramamine before we left the house,” sutton winced as she put her hand to her stomach and looked above her at the large, twisting wooden roller coasters ramp.

“don’t worry, sutt.” taylor grinned and put his arm around her shoulder. “you’ve never gotten sick on roller coasters before.”

“i know, but i’ve never been on this one before. i haven’t gone on a roller coaster in a long time, period. i told you i haven’t been here in awhile,” she whined.

“its too late to back out now,” taylor grinned as he walked behind her with his hands on her shoulders and they made their way to one of the seats near the middle of the long chain. it was a stand up roller coaster, which didn’t please sutton. “it’ll be fun, and its what? two minutes?”

“two minutes too long,” sutton groaned as she wearily ducked into the seat and pulled down her chest harness. “i’ve never been on this type of roller coaster before either, taylor,” she said and quickly stuffed her sun glasses in her pocket.

taylor did the same as a park employee began speaking over the intercom. he looked over to her and grinned. “aren’t you the one who always said that everyone should try everything once in their lives?”

“well...i changed my mind....” sutton cried as the roller coaster began moving slowly and turned to the right to make its way up a slight incline. she closed her eyes tightly as the wind rushed through her hair and her stomach felt like it was about to fail her as they flew through loops and turns, sutton screaming all the way.

“this is awesome!” taylor cried as he tried to look over to sutton, but his head was whipped back into place as they flew down a hill, and made their way back to the starting point.

“argh!” sutton cried as she pushed her chest harness up and stumbled over to taylor who was laughing and jumping up and down. “taylor that was awful!” she said as she put her sun glasses back on.

“that was awesome, sutt!” he cried gleefully as they quickly excited the ride and wandered over to a bench. “aw, sutt. are you okay?”

sutton put her hand up to her forehead and smiled, and fell onto the bench. “i feel like i’m going to puke!” she laughed.

“i can’t believe you, sutt. you used to always go on roller coasters with me. what’s happened to you?” he smiled as he sat next to her.

“i’m fine, i think.” she jumped up. “just warn me before you want to take me on another ride like that first.”

“okay, okay. how about we go and ride on the swings or something. one of the kiddy rides for my suttie.”

sutton grinned and pushed him in the arm as they made their way across the park to the swinging tree; a small ride with dozens of swings hanging from a “tree” that slowly spun around as the tree increased in height. “you know you love the swinging tree, don’t deny it.”

“i loved the hurler too, but i guess i won’t be able to go on that again today since you’re such a party pooper.” tTaylor said as he stuck his hands in his back pockets.

“yea, it just about made me want to hurl,” sutton rolled her eyes as they added on to the line of younger kids waiting to go on the swinging tree.

“you know, sutt, isn’t this ride only for like, ten year olds or something?” he asked as they slipped into the ride area and looked for swings together.

“quit it, taylor,” she grinned and seated herself in a swing parallel to him.

“sorry, sorry,” he grabbed onto the chains of sutton’s swing and pulled her towards him. sutton laughed and held onto the chains of his swing as the ride slowly began and the swings slowly began spinning around the tree.

“look,” sutton said and pointed towards the ferris wheel with her free hand as the wind whipped through their hair. “we have to go on the ferris wheel later.”

“the ferris wheel?” taylor said as he rolled his eyes. “first i have to go on the swinging tree and then you’re going to make me go on the ferris wheel with you?” taylor was still holding onto the chain of her swing so she released and pushed him in the arm.

“you know we’re going to ride your rides, so why can’t we go on the ferris wheel? the view is so great.” she said as they passed it again. “and i thought it was sutton saturday.”

“that’s right, i kind of forgot,” taylor looked at her and laughed, as they slowly were brought back to the ground. taylor began clapping as he crawled out of his swing, and grabbed sutton’s arm and led her out of the ride area and towards another roller coaster. “oh that was fun!” he said sarcastically, and a little too loudly.

“you are so bad, taylor.” she grinned and pushed herself into them as the neared a smaller roller coaster.

“i know, you love it.”

chapter nineteen