what's simple is true
[ chapter 9 ]

sutton jumped down the stairs and into the kitchen where ike and zac were, doing not much of anything, and she noticed taylor in the living room, dressed in baggy jeans and a black tight shirt that had writing scrawled across the front, with avery on his lap and leaning against his chest. she turned her attention back to ike and zac as she sat on a stool.

“is your mom gone?”

“yep, she took jessie to karate and then shes going to the grocery store,” ike said as he pulled out the orange juice and poured himself and sutton a glass.

“why didn’t avery go?” sutton asked as she looked back into the living room.

“she’s sick, aren’t you ave?” taylor replied as she lied limply on his lap. she weakly nodded and pulled his arms around her stomach.

sutton smiled as taylor watched arthur with his younger sister, and accepted the glass of juice from Ike. “thanks,” she replied. “what are you guys going to do today?”

“chris is supposed to call later, so we’re going to be waiting around for his call all day,” zac replied.

sutton grinned at ike and zac who returned her smile. “when am i gonna know about all of the secretive stuff about the tour?” she asked.

“pretty darn soon,” ike replied. “chris is supposed to have some good news for us, so hopefully it’ll be that the tour dates are set and finalized for europe, and we’ll know when we’ll be leaving.”

“that’s exciting, i’m definitely very happy and anxious for you guys.” sutton finished her juice and stood. “so where the heck is mackie? today is mackie monday.”

ike and zac shot her confused looks as they pointed to the living room. sutton wandered over to taylor and found mackie sitting in a large arm chair, sleeping. “what is he doing?” she asked, surprised.

“apparently he’s not too excited about mackie monday, sutt. and i thought you said it was your bonding time.” taylor grinned and avie laughed.

“how can he be sleeping?”

“i told you, you have some force over him,” taylor said.

sutton wandered over to the couch and sat next to taylor, avie still on his lap. she smirked at him and said, “maybe you just bored him to death and he had nothing else better to do than fall asleep.” sutton sat indian style and looked over to avie.

“are you okay?”

“she has a fever, my baby avie,” taylor said as avie hooked her hands in his and sighed. “she needs her mommy, but i’m the next best thing, right?”

avie nodded her head up and down as she received comfort from the brother. sutton could only smile as she gazed at their loving relationship. “you drive me crazy, baby avie,’” taylor said in a sing song voice, as the girl on his lap smiled, content.

“that’s my song,” she smiled.

“yep,” taylor said.

mackie eventually awoke later after taylor had made avie lie down on the couch and sleep, and he and sutton had spent the rest of the afternoon playing games and watching cartoons. sutton went to bed early, knowing she had to think of something interesting to do for taylor tuesday the next day.

chapter ten